Monday, November 5, 2007

Crunkin' with the Ludwig van Crew

What follows is an IM dialogue between "music stringer" Bryant Manning and a listener from a predominantly hip-hop station (Radio DePaul) on which Bryant had just broadcast some classical music:

staba868 (4:41:14 PM): yo dawwg
staba868 (4:41:19 PM): what show is this?
RadioDePaul (4:49:55 PM): cyber classical
staba868 (4:54:32 PM): ohh shit
staba868 (4:54:41 PM): like classical rap yo?
staba868 (4:54:49 PM): hip hop?
staba868 (4:56:47 PM): ello/?
staba868 (4:56:48 PM): u ther
RadioDePaul (4:57:06 PM): no, classical music
staba868 (4:57:46 PM): whats that?
RadioDePaul (4:58:27 PM): it is what it is
staba868 (4:58:49 PM): how old r u?
staba868 (4:59:26 PM): i thought only ppl 60 + listen to classical?
staba868 (4:59:46 PM): is this still the depaul college station?
RadioDePaul (5:00:33 PM): yup
staba868 (5:02:09 PM): are u college age or professor age?
RadioDePaul (5:03:38 PM): believe it or not, but there are actually some young people who are curious about this music
staba868 (5:04:23 PM): daamn
staba868 (5:05:15 PM): so its like
staba868 (5:05:19 PM): violins and stuff
staba868 (5:05:20 PM): or jazz?
RadioDePaul (5:05:38 PM): actually, anything notated
staba868 (5:05:52 PM): i dont know what that means
RadioDePaul (5:05:45 PM): that is written down for performers to play
staba868 (5:05:57 PM): r u in the music school?
RadioDePaul (5:06:05 PM): no
RadioDePaul (5:06:24 PM): do you not like the idea of classical music on a college radio station?
staba868 (5:06:34 PM): im just confused yo
RadioDePaul (5:06:56 PM): don't be...just listen and hopefully you'll find something you'll like
staba868 (5:07:03 PM): k
staba868 (5:07:06 PM): can u crunk to it?
RadioDePaul (5:07:24 PM): sure
staba868 (5:08:20 PM): u got any betoven or pavoraty?
RadioDePaul (5:08:50 PM): we just got done playing Beethoven! Piano Sonata in C, op. 3, no.2
staba868 (5:09:41 PM): damn
staba868 (5:09:55 PM): dat be from like 1932?
RadioDePaul (5:10:21 PM): the recording was just from a few years ago
staba868 (5:11:02 PM): hes still alive?
staba868 (5:11:07 PM): ddaamn yo!
RadioDePaul (5:11:58 PM): LvB never dies
staba868 (5:12:30 PM): nuh uh
staba868 (5:12:39 PM): r u in a gang?
staba868 (5:12:50 PM): the LvBs crew
RadioDePaul (5:12:59 PM): nope...haha
RadioDePaul (5:14:51 PM): hey, we gotta get back on the air. nice chatting with you
staba868 (5:14:54 PM): DEPAUL RULEZ
staba868 (5:15:01 PM): latr dawh
staba868 (5:15:02 PM): g

Readers debate whether the conversation was 'set up' or not here. Either way, it's some funny shit.

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