Friday, February 27, 2009

The Foothills Theatre is in crisis

This sad news just over the e-transom from Worcester:

Foothills Theatre, which has been in operation for over 34 years, is facing a financial crisis. Ticket sales are lagging, Foundation support is not available because of the stock market decline, and corporate sponsorships have been reduced. We have now reached the point where we have exhausted all other appeals with the exception of approaching the public directly to keep our theatre alive. Unless we are able to raise a significant amount of money within the next few days, we have no other option but to cease our operation...a prospect that no one relishes . . .

We need to raise approximately $100,000 between now and the beginning of next week in order to continue producing The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. In order to successfully finish out through Doubt and You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, we will need to raise another $100,000. To make next season a reality, we will need to raise an additional $200,000.

We believe that with public support we can save the theatre and continue our tradition of producing quality live theatre!

Donations can be sent to:

Foothills Theatre Company
100 Front Street Suite 137
Worcester, MA 01608

or by contacting the box office at 508-754-4018. More information available here.

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