Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gettin' festive

August is the most festive month - who said that, T.S. Eliot? Well, whoever said it, it's true, at least for the Hub Review. This weekend I'm off to the Williamstown Theatre Festival, then a week later I jet off to Scotland to take in the Edinburgh Fringe, then it's off to Ontario to the Stratford Festival at the end of the month. By the time September rolls around, I may be pretty dissatisfied with this provincial burg. Edinburgh, of course, is a case unto itself. Over the course of the month, the city expects to present over 2,000 groups in a total of over 30,0000 performances in some 250 venues. On many days the performances begin around 9 AM and go past midnight. I warn you, Hub Review readers, I may never come home.

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