Thursday, March 17, 2011

And here's to the other side of the coin: the great PR people in our midst

Now seems a good time to say that not everybody in the Boston theatre scene is conspiring to destroy critical integrity. Some people, in fact, do just the opposite. I know it isn't easy to take a bad review and then smile at the critic responsible at the next opening night and say "So good to see you!" But some folks still understand that's part of the job, and they somehow carry it off with style. So even if these people hate me behind my back, I have to say I admire them, and they make my life infinitely easier than it otherwise would be.

The list of great publicists in the Boston theatre world is a long one, but I'd still like to take a moment to recognize a few of them. (All these people should have won IRNEs by now, in my opinion, if a PR category existed!)  At SpeakEasy Stage, Jim Torres is practically a star himself after years of dedicated service, and deservedly so; there simply isn't a nicer or more conscientious guy around.  Meanwhile, at the Huntington, Rebecca Curtiss always makes me feel welcome (even when I'm sure a sane person would want to kick me to the curb).  And at the New Rep, Gia Podobinski is unfailingly professional and unbelievably sweet.  I'm also always impressed with Dan Berube at the Merrimack, and I just get a kick out of Joyce Linehan's friendly, but no-nonsense, attitude at ArtsEmerson.  So here's to you, guys. Press contacts just don't get any better.

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