Saturday, December 17, 2011

I know you're all tired of hearing this, but . . .

 . . .  I do want to point out that in the Times, Oskar Eustis of the Public Theater is quoted as saying:

" . . .if we’re ever in a situation where we’re holding up a major nonprofit stage for a year or two with a single show, you should complain to me.”

Okay, so . . . why is old Oskar so palsy-walsy with Diane Paulus, who has all but crippled the ART's second stage for the past three years with the imposition of The Donkey Show?  I mean, I can't think of any major work that has gone on at "Oberon" since the arrival of that pseudo-Shakespearean quadruped.

So Oskar: I'm officially complaining to you.  If you wouldn't do that kind of thing at your own theatre, why do you support people who do it at theirs?

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