Monday, January 23, 2012

IRNE deadlines!

This is just a note to apologize for some tardiness in reviewing - I know, the shows are backed up behind me like Boeings at Logan.  But I also have to get out my IRNE nomination form (which is already a little bit late), and that always takes much longer than I think it's going to.

And yes, that was the official declaration that I'm back on the IRNEs.  It's a long story, some day I'll tell you all about it, etc.  But for now, all I'll say is that it's good to know that the "I" in IRNE still stands for "Independent."

So . . . looking forward to the awards?  I am.  And I promise this week I will also review Merrimack's Voice of the Turtle, the New Rep's ART, Handel and Haydn's Four Seasons, Whistler in the Dark's Fen, and ArtsEmerson's Sugar.

Oh, I also saw Polanski's Carnage, will try to fit something about that in, too.

Later, Tom

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