Saturday, May 5, 2012

Orfeo ed Euridice at Boston Baroque is a must-see

I don't have time this morning to pound out a full review, but early music fans will not want to miss Boston Baroque's current production of Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice (in its original Italian version). In the lead role, Owen Willetts proves a phenomenon, the only countertenor I've yet heard with the kind of clarion force that legend has accorded the castrati.  I've never been one of those who obsessed over the supposedly trumpet-like power of that lost (and horrifying) vocal tradition, but if you are, then believe me, Willetts is about as close to the real thing as you're likely to hear in the modern age. And what's more, the entire production is memorable, with direction by David Gately and choreography by Gianni Di Marco that are among the best I've seen at Boston Baroque.  Tonight only at Jordan Hall.

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