Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another stumble for CitiCenter

According to Geoff Edgers in today's Globe:

First Night and Young Audiences of Massachusetts, two of the key organizations that the Citi Performing Arts Center has sought to merge or partner with, have formally cut off talks with the Citi Center.

The article notes that similar alliances are central to CitiCenter's much-discussed strategy to become a "virtual performing arts center" via extension of its "brand." (Meanwhile, there's talk that Commonwealth Shakespeare founder Steve Maler has approached Shakespeare & Co. to sponsor next summer's Shakespeare production.)

Perhaps after these most recent stumbles, Spaulding & Co. will finally realize that their "brand" is actually a negative, not a positive; and that said negative perceptions will have to be turned around before an alliance strategy can become feasible.

But I wouldn't count on it, because a turnaround in perception is probably impossible without a change in leadership.

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