Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How low can Boston College go?

"Lavender Mist," a real Jackson Pollock - the kind you won't find in "Pollock Matters."

The Exhibitionist reports that despite an explicit order from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation that the "Pollock Matters" catalogue not include any images of actual Pollocks, the McMullen has gone ahead and included images anyway, citing "fair use" principles. This is rather a creative twist on "fair use" - or at least the McMullen seems to have thought so, as it held up release of the catalogue until the opening of the exhibit (if it had been released earlier, the Pollock-Krasner Foundation no doubt would have gotten a judge to block it).

I have to say this must be a new moral low for a local museum - well, certainly not as far as what goes on behind closed doors, but at least as far as the public record. Good thing there are all those priests over there for curator Ellen Landau to confess to.

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