Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you want to see a Boston Ballet star for free . . .

. . . tonight's your chance. Boston Ballet prima ballerina Lorna Feijóo will make a guest performance on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars tonight at 9 pm. Feijóo will appear with her sister, San Francisco Ballet principal Lorena Feijóo (bet you didn't know she had a ballerina for a sib), and American Ballet Theatre principal Jose Manuel Carreño (who is also pretty awesome, I'm just sayin'). Together, the trio will perform a specially-choreographed excerpt from Swan Lake. I've already seen Lorna & Lorena play off each other as Odette and Odile in a special perf of Swan Lake at Boston Ballet a few years back. And let's just say Natalie Portman would have had a cow. So don't miss this second chance to catch the upside of sibling rivalry on the dance floor!

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