Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sic gloria transit mundi

Sigh.  I don't usually read Terry Teachout, but one note in a recent post of his caught my eye.  Like most of his blog (like most of most blogs), it was largely about himself - this one detailed cultural events that occurred the year he was born, 1956.

The line that caught my eye read:

My Fair Lady, Leonard Bernstein's Candide, Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night, and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot opened on Broadway.

In a word - ouch. 

My Fair Lady, Candide, Long Day's Journey into Night, and Waiting for Godot.  All in one season, in 1956.

Contrast and compare to the offerings of the 2011 Broadway season.  Discuss.

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