Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another busy week

John Lam in a stellar performance.
The fall season is now at its height, so the week is overflowing with openings and premieres.  Last night I caught You Better Sit Down, a meditation on divorce by The Civilians, at ArtsEmerson; tonight I'm back to the Huntington (at the Calderwood Pavilion) for Before I Leave You, the new play by Cambridge resident Rosanna Yamagiwa Alfaro.  Thursday I will probably check out one of the new fringe offerings - possibilities include Whistler in the Dark's Halloween double bill,  the Happy Medium's Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom, or Metro Stage's Chicago.  Friday I'm booked at Handel and Haydn, for Pergolesi's Stabat Mater.  Saturday is Boston Ballet's dazzling Night of Stars, featuring the entire company in selections from its repertoire.  Sunday I plan to play more catch-up, out in Lowell, at the Merrimack's portrait of Robert Frost, This Verse Business. And then you'll get to hear all about it.

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