Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Janet Echelman's world-wide webs at Northeastern

In these networked days, it's no surprise that literal nets have become an artform unto themselves - and the artist who has made them resonate best as public art is probably Janet Echelman, whose wonderful 160-foot wide project, She Changes (above) brilliantly transformed a traffic circle along the coast of Portugal into a meditation on the sea and wind. Ms. Echelman first drew her inspiration from fishermen's nets, but now she's gone all high-tech, and her installations are in demand all over the world.  And I'd certainly say there are barren public spaces in our own "Windy City" that could be enlivened by her brand of floating magic (as long as it can withstand a strong nor'eatster, that is).  At any rate, you can get to know the artist a little better this Thursday night at Northeastern University, where she will be speaking in the Raytheon Amphitheater at 5:00 PM, as part of the Presidential Speaker Series, Profiles in Innovation. The event will be also be streamed live on facebook.com/northeastern and via the university's homepage, northeastern.edu.

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