Friday, April 23, 2010

It's Mozart, Maurizio and musicals this weekend

Mozart's Idomeneo at Boston Lyric Opera. Photo by Charles Erickson.

It's once again a busy weekend. Tonight Boston Lyric Opera opens Mozart's first "opera seria," Idomeneo (above), which looks to have striking, old-school sets (courtesy of Glimmerglass), and, if the BLO keeps up its recent track record, a sterling cast as well. On Saturday, it's more things musical, although in very different keys: I'm diving into The Little Mermaid at Wheelock Family Theatre in the afternoon, and then one of my favorite musicals, My Fair Lady, at Stoneham Theatre that night. Sunday afternoon brings me back to classical, with pianist Maurizio Pollini at Celebrity Series.

And then I'll let everyone know what I thought.

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