Friday, April 9, 2010

What's up this weekend

This weekend is (mostly) one of music and dance - Boston Ballet opened its sweetly-spun version of Coppélia yesterday (more to follow on that), while tonight Handel and Haydn unveils the always-provocative Roger Norrington's take on Beethoven's "Pastoral", with Symphony No. 4 thrown in for good measure. (I've consistently found H&H's Beethoven the most exciting in the city, btw - and yes, that includes the BSO's.) Tomorrow is still up in the air, but may feature either From Orchids to Octopi, My Fair Lady, a new music ensemble called Les Bostonades, or Le Cabaret Grimm (from another new group, Jason Slavick's "The Performance Lab") depending on factors not entirely under my control. Then Sunday it's a wrap, and maybe even a rap, with Chanticleer at Celebrity Series.

And then I'll let everyone know what I think.

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