Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Boston Lyric Opera steps out - and sells out

A scene from The Turn of the Screw.

Opera lovers take note - word is that Boston Lyric Opera's production of Benjamin Britten's The Turn of the Screw is on the verge of selling out. Before it has even opened (that happens tomorrow).

And no wonder, given it's a kind of perfect storm of "firsts" for Boston's leading opera company. The production is, for instance, the first under the auspices of the company's "Opera Annex" initiative, Artistic Director Esther Nelson's brainchild for pulling opera out from behind the red curtain and into the community. The initiative aims to "create productions reflecting the unique characteristics of particular performance spaces," and what better spot in Boston to stage the high gothic spookiness of Henry James's most famous tale than the Park Plaza "Castle" (at left)?

Another "first" for BLO is the interpolation of live video (above); Quint and Miss Jessel will get to haunt this production from even the basement of the Castle. And the production boasts yet another first - it features the North American debut of Rebecca Nash, an Australian soprano who has been building an international reputation. And Nash is not alone in being unknown to Boston audiences - the entire design team is also making its Boston Lyric Opera debut.

You can still join BLO for what promises to be a remarkably fresh evening of opera - single tickets still remain, and are available here.

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