Saturday, February 20, 2010

Too many great actresses! And a busy weekend.

At the knock-down-drag-'em-out IRNE nominations meeting a week or two ago, the toughest category was probably "Best Actress" and "Best Supporting Actress."

And why?

Because we just have too damn many great actresses in this town, that's why. And this weekend I get to see three of them, all of whom wound up on the IRNE ballot for their performances last year: Marianna Bassham and Anne Gottlieb square off in Not Enough Air at the Nora, while Karen MacDonald (thank you, Diane Paulus!) opens in boom at the New Rep.

Elsewhere on the "docket" (it's a busy weekend): last night was the Monteverdi Vespers at Boston Baroque (lovely, if not yet polished to a high sheen); today is Urbanity Dance in the afternoon, followed by Merrimack Rep's Black Pearl Sings this evening. Tomorrow I'm off to the matinee of Nora Theatre's Not Enough Air, then a concert of baroque cantatas from Exsultemus featuring some of my favorite Boston singers (Teresa Wakim, Jason McStoots, Thea Lobo and Ulysses Thomas). Then Monday, it's Karen in New Rep's boom.

And I may still try to squeeze in a showing of Part 1 of Red Riding at the Kendall Square. Think I can do it?

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